Natural Varicocele Treatment with Ice - by Kiwi Kooler

varicocele pain swelling ice pack treatment

Should I Use Ice for Varicocele?

A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum.

Sufferers of varicocele know the pain and swelling can be annoying and even debilitating.

Varicocele treatment experts recommend regular intermittent icing as a preferred natural method to reduce pain and swelling from varicocele.

The Kiwi Kooler insulated ice pack makes it easy and convenient to apply ice to the testicles.

kiwi kooler ice pack cold pack for varicocele icing

It's important to not over-cool the scrotum which could interfere with biological processes. Fortunately, the Kiwi Kooler's neoprene sleeve is perfect for slowing down the heat flow, to prevent over-chilling.

kiwi kooler natural treatment for varicocele by icing cooling

When treating varicocele, start by using the Kiwi Kooler for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off whenever sitting. Pay attention to how your body feels, and adjust the time protocol to what feels right for your situation. Remember - the goal is not to freeze your balls!

man sitting how to apply ice to testicles for varicocele with kiwi kooler insulated ice pack

Kiwi Kooler's dual ice packs make all-day icing possible. Just keep one in the freezer while using the other. 

Benefits for the Veins:

Every time ice is applied, we train the veins to contract and adopt a smaller and firmer tone. Additionally, this contraction improves blood circulation and flushes out the stagnant blood and toxins previously trapped in the veins.

Benefits for the Testicles:

With intermittent icing, we put the testicles back to a normal lower temperature which is critical to reactivate normal testicular enzymes and functions including spermatogenesis and testosterone production.

Try Natural First

Before trying more serious interventions such as varicocele surgery (varicocelectomy or embolization), give our low-risk, low-cost natural solution a try.

Kiwi Kooler is available on 

Note: Kiwi Kooler works best in conjunction with a natural regimen prescribed by Daniel Johnson, author of the famous Complete Guide to Natural Healing. You can see a summary of Daniel's regimen here

buy kiwi kooler ice pack for varicocele available on amazon

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